The Predator

by Tara

They roam among us. It could be your father, brother, or son. Their eyes pierce through your clothes. No matter what you wear, their eyes will scan you like an x-ray. Their mind is filled with unrealistic imagination.

They will talk to you sweetly. They will feed you lies that you want to hear. Those lies are the key to trapping you with them. They fulfill their desires by lying. Whatever diamonds and flowers spew out of their mouths are nothing but an illusion. You are Alice and their lie is Wonderland.

Who told you it was your fault? You may be naive but it was never your fault. You trusted this predator not knowing what a predator is like. You may wear any clothing and you will still be a victim. You may talk sweetly or arrogantly, but he will still attack you. When he sets his mind, he will get you and he will do anything for that.

Again, it is not your fault but it was his parents who did not teach him, it was his friends who encouraged him and it was his sister who was embarrassed to tell anyone what happened to her. Maybe it was not even their fault. He is at fault as he corrupted his mind with this lust that now turned to look for victims. Or was it the adult movies or was he abused too?

Who do we blame? Him for being a predator or us being the victim? If this was the savannah and the lion attacks the antelope or the calve, it is only natural they say. But it is the lioness feeding the tribe. It is the lioness who hunts. The lion may fornicate with all the lionesses but the power is still in her hands. The lion is not going to hunt like the lioness does. The lioness has one another but the lion does not. We no longer will bow to the social concept.

He will continue to hunt and there will be lioness out there that will hunt him to keep the city safe. To keep the children protected. To let the girls walk at night. To let women be comfortable with their clothes. We shall strive to be that tribe. When one of our lionesses is attacked by the lion, we will have our heads up and the tribe of the lioness will bring down this predator’s thrones’.